About the Book

Welcome to the Vietnam 1971, Remembering the 101st Then and Now website! The Kindle version is targeted for release on Amazon Kindle in September/October 2016. The hard and soft covers are planned for availability through this website and Amazon Books in November/December 2016.

The Vietnam War remains controversial to this day. For some it is still hurtful and numbing to reflect on it. The book offers insight into what it is like to be in a war zone-and to return home “changed” but a “survivor.” This is a healing memoir spanning 45 years. The book allows readers of all ages to experience what the 1960s and 1970s were like. There are over 80 photos of the times, including famous iconic photos of Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Bob Dylan by Baron Wolman and on-site Vietnam photos by the author including Bob Hope’s visit to Phu Bai.

Vietnam 1971 - Remembering the 101st Then and Now by Jim Cheskawich is available as a hard cover book or on Amazon Kindle now!